miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

My favourite person Alejandro García

I think that my mom is slepping because she usually do it at this time. and needs to stand up before than 9:00.Posibbly she is also having breakfast, she allways has a glass of water, and the glass needs dont been  cold.
At the midday she goes shopping, but neverthless this month she goes to the gym, because she wants to be fit.
After that my mom comes back to home and cook, when I get home my mom has allready finish the food and we eated.
In the evening she watchs TV.  This is my mom  does, and I  like she´s routines  a lot.

this saturday she wakes up at 9:00 AM adn   my mom goes to wallmart, she buys some food and she buyes my favorite kind of cheese, and when she arrived, I was very happy and i think before than this my mom cooked enchiladas, the enchiladas was my favorite food and this is the reason that I loved this day, Because my mom cooks very well, then my mom watched TV and I think than she spleeps.
in Sunday she sleeps at 8:00 AM then she takes the breakfast, she  goes to the church at 10:00 AM  then she goes to shop to Mundo E  and buyed some T-shirts, in cuidado con el perro, then  she buys  t she comes home and we has a family dinner. In this dinner was myparents like my grandmother and my brother.  
Resultado de imagen para go shoppingResultado de imagen para make the food

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

My favorite person

My favorite person is my mum because she is beautiful and a positive person,she goes to house work at 10:30,He makes breakfast after having done the chores and then take a break. In the afternoon she watches t.v two hours also eat a cookies.in the night have dinner only light.
i think that mum is fantastic person

Last Weekend

The  last weekend my mom got up early to do the housework, I wake up, I had breakfast and began to do the tasks of the case, for that he asked me for help because I wanted to finish early to enjoy the day Finishing doing everything she went to rest a little because she was too exhausted by what she had done Saw a movie on the TV in the room and then went to dinner.

On Saturday my mom got up for exercise, then went to the market to get the things for breakfast,after to arrive on
my house,And stayed eating for me and my grandfather, at night he stayed resting and prepared to do nothing.

my favourite person

my favourite person is my friend, lupita. she gets up at 5:00 o´clock, and gets dressed because goes the school, also she has breakfast at 6:00 o´clock.
in the afternoon she learns matematics, also practice taekwondo because she likes the sports, after she has a drink or has lunch.
in the evening goes home, afther she makes a homework of school and do hausework, because your mom works, in the office. she takes a  shower for relajation, and has dinner, winth your sister and your mom. she goes a bed at 10: 00 o'clock.

My father´s typical day

In mornings, he always gets up at 5:00, he sometimes has a coffe and gets to work. 
In the afternoon, he does activities, he has a lunch and leaves work. 
In the evering, he gets home, he has dinner and goes to bed.
I think that my dad is working now because he always working it at the moment and must to finish it before he getting home.
Possibly, he is also having a coffe (he usually has to coffe with milk).
This is what my dad usually does, nevertheless this month he is riding a bike because my brother ask for.
                                                     Resultado de imagen para padre e hijo en bicicleta
First, my dad splet last late, he went the shopping mall, he didn't go alone because the like our accompany.
Next, whole breakfast in a cafeteria, he bought the larder of week and the stuff of the stuff food, he cooked lasagne with a salad and a cake of chess with blackberry.
Then, In the afternoon, he watched movies with popcores because his tired and splee.
Finish, he ate hamburgers with them family.
First, he wade up of bed, he dressed because he wanted to go to the market.
Next, he went to buy the cupboard of the month and he came home because to hungry, he went to dining room, because wanted breakfast, he did the housework.
Then, he took a break, he watched in the television the series Rick and Morty ate popcorn
Finish, he was tired already and he went to bed